bk2 sheath pouch

New BK2 Sheath Mod Questions. - BladeForums.com.
I have a new BK2 with the new sheath. I am looking to make some mods to it and I like the Molle back and pouch offered by ESEE for the 5/6.
bk2 sheath pouch
Page 1 of comments on Becker BK2 Campanion Knife Review And.
I have a new BK2 with the new sheath. I am looking to make some mods to it and I like the Molle back and pouch offered by ESEE for the 5/6.
May 20, 2013. I.P. Daily: Hey maybe you can help me, first i had set my BK2 sheath like yours with the esee pouch, my problem i am having is that the.
BK2 sheath - AR15.COM.
SOLD-BK2 custom scout carry leather sheath w/ firesteel loop and.
BK2 Sheaths - Sagewood Gear.
BK2 Sheath enhancements - SurvivalistBoards.com.
Mar 23, 2011. BK2 Sheath enhancements Knives, Swords & Axes.. I purchased the ESEE sheath pouch from eseeknives.com. The pouch holds and altoids.
A look at my Ka-Bar Becker BK2 sheath modification. I used a multi-tool pouch to add some survival gear to assist with shelter building, fire making, fishing, etc.
Vertical and scout-carry style are available for right or left handers with this versatile sheath. Vertical carry is made possible by attaching.
Handcrafted leather sheaths for the Becker BK2 knife.. BK2 Leather Scout Deluxe Sheath. Becker BK2 KCR Deluxe Scout Sheath.
Home of the best made custom leather sheaths. We'll make a custom leather sheath for any of your knives, as well as offer different options. We also offer.
My BK2 with ESEE Sheath Add-On - BladeForums.com.
bk2 sheath pouch
Custom leather sheath.New Member, New BK2, Questions - BladeForums.com.
Hand crafted Becker BK2 leather sheath.. Pouch(Optional). The Becker BK2 Belt Sheath features our unique retention system known as K.C.R. which stands.
The pouch does interest me on the bK22 but I have seen so many BK2 sheaths customised with attached pouches anyways that I dont know if it.